Frequently Asked Questions: Other Memorial Opportunities

People often ask what, if any, additional memorial opportunities exist at the Beth El Mausoleum? I’m happy to say that we have many.

First, the mausoleum is full of some wonderful Jewish-themed artwork, many of which have already been dedicated. We do have one in particular that is spectacular. A passage from Ecclesiasticus that’s on the main wall on the second floor of the mausoleum that does offer a wonderful opportunity for a family who would like to make a lasting memorial dedication to their loved one.

For those who don’t have as deep pockets, there are many other opportunities as well. We have leaves on our Tree of Remembrance. The Tree of Remembrance is a beautiful wall of marble tiles, creating a lovely tree in the Asher Rotunda by a gorgeous fountain. Here, we have leaves that range in size from 6 inches to 18 inches. The lower leaves, just like the crypts and niches in the mausoleum, the ones that are closest to the heart, the ones that you can touch, are the most expensive. As one goes higher up the wall, they become less expensive. Each of these leaves can be engraved with up to three lines of text, and depending on the size of the leaf, will determine how much will actually fit. The purchase price includes the engraving.

We also have indoor benches which are wrought-iron and upholstered and have room for a small memorial plaque. Our exterior faux-wood benches set in a park-like setting around the mausoleum are also available. These, similarly, have room for a small plaque with a dedication. And then, we have marble benches that can be fully engraved on five surfaces. These marble benches are placed throughout the mausoleum.

Another opportunity in the exterior area of our mausoleum are personalized bronze vases. They’re personalized with the person’s name and a memorial phrase. These are perfect for those who wish to leave flowers at the mausoleum.

We also have a unique opportunity for those whose loved ones are not laid to rest here at the Beth El Mausoleum, but perhaps elsewhere. These are our memory niches. Memory niches look like cremation niches. However, they don’t have any human remains. People are given the opportunity to place personal items, artifacts, memories, photographs, and things like that. While they’re not visible to the visitor because of the stone fronts, those who do dedicate these memorial niches obviously know what’s there. And it’s a wonderful lasting memorial for those who have space in the mausoleum and want to be able to spiritually visit loved ones who are buried elsewhere.

Lastly, while they are not in the mausoleum itself, we do offer the traditional Yahrzeit Plaques. They are in the Rabbi Merle Singer Sanctuary and they will be there in perpetuity. And once they are dedicated, they are placed on the wall and annually on the Yahrzeit, the anniversary of a person’s passing, those names are recited at Friday night services, in addition to be placed on the Yahrzeit wall at the appropriate time.

Couple walking with Rabbi Greg Weisman from Temple Beth El Schaefer Family Campus to the Beth El Mausoleum

Plan Ahead

Planning ahead is the greatest gift you can give your loved ones.

Couple meeting with the Beth El Mausoleum Director

Immediate Need

A sudden passing can be overwhelming if plans have not been made in advance. There are many decisions and arrangements that must be made.

Bench in the Breezeways of the Beth El Mausoleum

Sacred Spaces

Gated, private and semi-private spaces are available in many locations at the Beth El Mausoleum.