
Death’s Certainty: Getting Prepared
As American statesman Benjamin Franklin so eloquently said in 1789, “In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” Very true – so you might...

Hospice: A Compassionate End of Life Decision
For anyone who is facing a terminal diagnosis, whether for themselves or a loved one, the word “hospice” connotates that a life will soon be coming to an end. It...

Beth El Mausoleum Celebrates the Light of Chanukah with a Special Gift before December 31, 2022
It’s time to celebrate the beautiful light of the season as Chanukah, a symbol of hope and freedom for Jews everywhere, will soon be here.
Thankful for the Memories: The Custom of Jewish Unveiling
As we all look forward to celebrating Thanksgiving and making new family memories, this season of gratitude is likely filled with recollections of happy times spent with those who are...
Reflecting on our Family Traditions as we Approach the High Holy Days
As the most sacred season of the year approaches for Jewish people around the world, the High Holy Days involve generations of time-honored rituals and traditions. We may reflect on...
The Jewish LGBTQ+ Community
The Jewish LGBTQ+ Community The Beth El Mausoleum, our Mausoleum Director, Mike Sirowitz and our clergy at Temple Beth El of Boca Raton proudly welcome the LGBTQ+ Jewish community. They...
Jewish Graves: Stones of Remembrance
Jewish Graves: Stones of Remembrance Have you ever wondered how the ancient Jewish tradition of placing pebbles or stones of remembrance at the place of burial when visiting a loved...
Words of Comfort at a Time of Loss
May Their Memory be for a Blessing What do you say to someone who has experienced a death in their family? Should you offer words of comfort? Of support? Is...
Keeping the Light Burning: When Do You Light Candles for Yahrzeit and Yizkor?
The ritual of lighting candles is very much a part of many Jewish customs and traditions. Read on to learn more about the traditions of lighting candles for the Jewish...
High Holy Day Jewish Traditions: In Memory of Our Loved Ones
Jewish traditions are rich in honoring and memorializing those who have passed away. Learn about those traditions and how we are connected to them this High Holy Day season.
Jewish Meals of Condolence & Shiva Food Traditions
There are many Jewish traditions and rituals involving food following the passing of a loved one, during the seven-day period of mourning called Shiva. Learn about some of the most...
Taking the Pressure Off: End-of-Life Financial Planning
End-of-Life Financial Planning Budgeting and planning for your final arrangements and funeral service are probably the last thing you want to think about. They’re also the last major decisions of...
Leaning on One Another: Grief Support Groups
Every heart beats with love for those who mean the most to us.
Writing a Memorable Eulogy
Recently we talked about how to have a meaningful Jewish funeral, offering tips from both the Beth El Mausoleum Director, Mike Sirowitz and Temple Beth El of Boca Raton’s Senior...
Thoughtful Tips for a Meaningful Jewish Funeral Service During the Time of Covid
When we lose a loved one, we are often at a loss for words and for what to do next.
Location, Location, Location
The Beth El Mausoleum is a tranquil and beautiful place to visit and remember loved ones.
A Season to Remember Your Loved Ones
This is the time of year thoughts of those we have lost come to mind, and cherished memories flood back to the times we shared celebrating the High Holy Days...
A Place of Belonging
The tranquil Beth El Mausoleum is the only mausoleum in the United States to be built on sacred temple grounds.
The Greatest Gift
Here at the Beth El Mausoleum, we help families make difficult decisions every day.
Embracing Zoom to Serve the Jewish Community
Here at the Beth El Mausoleum and in many places around the world, never in our lifetime could we ever have imagined interacting with families who are at-need or want...
A Trusted Opinion – Google Reviews for the Beth El Mausoleum
There’s nothing better than word of mouth when it comes to getting the lowdown on making a decision about any company or service.
Resolve to Make Your Plans…
I really don’t want to spend eternity under a beautiful oak tree.
Talking to Children and Teens About Death
We all need guidance not only processing our own grief when we lose someone we love, but also in attending to the needs of our children and grandchildren.
Why pre-plan your final arrangements?
Life is full of planning and preparation, and planning final arrangements should be no exception.
Why Do Jews Bury in Mausoleums? A Tradition That’s Over 3800 Years Old.
Judaism embraces life and accepts death as a part of life.
Sacred Memories ~ for loved ones laid to rest far away
"After my parents passed away within a year of each other in 2013 and 2014, I realized that it would be a hardship to get back to Detroit where they...