Download A Free Guide For Your Loved Ones
Letter from Rabbi Dan Levin:
The process of coming to grips with our mortality is often frightening and unwelcome. We are taught in our tradition: “I set before you this day life and death … choose life.” But what we also know from our tradition is that we learn the most about life’s meaning by contemplating life’s finitude and fragility.
Preparing for the difficult days that follow our own passing and the loss of those we love is holy work. Our preparations now will ease the way for those we love in the most difficult of days. The process of coping in the aftermath of a loss is difficult, and in addition to the emotional pain we endure, the particulars and minutiae are difficult to navigate. By preparing now, we ensure that our wishes are understood and will be observed, and we also spare our loved ones painful and difficult choices.
Take the opportunity now to collect the information in this guide, and organize your vital information. The process of taking this inventory will help you to see what arrangements you may still need to make. Mostly, completing your plans now will not only ease the way for your loved ones, it will provide you with peace of mind as well.
In the book of Ecclesiastes we read: “The wise bear in mind that there is a time for every experience. Let us use our wisdom to prepare for our eventual demise, in order that we might live a full life in peace.”

Use our 30 page booklet to to organize your vital information, important family documents, personal records and to provide you with peace of mind.
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